Renaming domain member detaches Computer Object

If renaming a domain member succeeds but the corresponding computer object is not updated, the trust relationship between the domain and the computer will break, preventing you from logging in, among other things.

Luckily, the fix is just modifying the Name, SamAccountName (mandatory) and DNSHostName (optional) properties of the computer object:

Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Where Name -eq 'OLDNAME' | Rename-ADObject -NewName 'NEWNAME' -PassThru | Set-ADComputer -SamAccountName 'NEWNAME$'

I’d probably rename the machine again afterwards in an attempt to get it to clean any remaining bits of itself up. You can do this once the computer account name and AD object name have been updated.

An example computer object, for reference:

DistinguishedName : CN=RSAT-0,CN=Computers,DC=wporter,DC=lab
DNSHostName       : rsat-0.wporter.lab
Enabled           : True
Name              : RSAT-0
ObjectClass       : computer
ObjectGUID        : fa39a936-2ffe-428b-84f6-502e96db2344
SamAccountName    : RSAT-0$
SID               : S-1-5-21-3395636781-103295144-3172313150-1105
UserPrincipalName :